Indus Valley Civilization

History is an important subject for WBCS exam.Today we give some questions on INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION. These questions were asked in many exams.
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Indus valley civilization is also known as Harappa Civilization.
According to the Radio Carbon dating, it was spread from 2500 – 1750 BC.
The metal Copper, Silver, Bronze, gold, was known but IRON was not.

Economical life:
The people of the Harappa Civilization known to cultivate but their main profession. 

Memorable Point

The Harappa Civilization was discovered in the year---1921
Dockyard was found in ---Loathal.
The Indus Valley people traded with the ----------Mesopotamians.
The local name of Mohenjo-Daro------------Mound of the Death .
The Indus Valley Civilization specialised in -------town planning.
Indus valley civilization was discovered by----------- Dayaram Sahni (1921)
A copper chariot of Harappa times was discovered at---------------Daimabad

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