GK Asked in Railway Exam 2016



1) Where is shore temple located? Ans: Mahabalipuram, Tamil Nadu

2) Who was named as the cultural ambassador of Seychelles in October 2015? Ans: AR Rahman

3) Which year was the economic liberalization in India Initiated? Ans: 1991

4) Which two Indian cities, were added to the creative city network of UNESCO in Dec 2015?Ans: Varanasi & Jaipur

5) Thermostat is a device in ovens which help to maintain a temperature by? Ans: Regulating flow of heat

6) Who was the Confucius? Ans: Chinese Philosopher

7) Who is popularly known as the father of white revolution in India? Ans: Verghese Kurien

8) Who wrote the autobiography of an unknown India? Ans: Nirad C. Chaudhuri

9) Who is PV Sindu? Ans: Badminton Player

10) Galvanization is a process in which a layer of zinc is put on iron objects to prevent them from? Ans: Rust

11) What do the terms Geocentric and Heliocentric refer to? Ans: Earth centered, Sun centered

12) What did Dmitri Mendeleev formulate? Ans: Periodic Table

13) What is Electron? Ans: –ve

15) In July 1905, who ordered the partition of Bengal? Lord Curzon

16) Kangchenjauga is? Himalayas

17) Which of the following names is Nilanjana sudeshna, an Indian American Author popularly known as? Ans: Jhumpa Lahari

18) What is the name of the Tablet computer produced by Data wind which is promoted by the GOVT of India as part of an e-learning program? Ans: Aakash

19) Who replaced viscount Louis Mount batten as the governer general of Indian? Ans: C. Raja Gopala Chari

20) What is the Laccadive Sea otherwise known as? Ans: Arabian Sea

21) What is the unit of length used in formally to express astronomical distances? Ans: AU

22) Who was the Governor General after Mountbatten? Ans: C. Rajagopalachari

23) The purple frontier, the Earth dragon and the outer fortresses, all refer to? Ans: Great wall of china

24) Pacific : Ocean : : Bay of Bengal : ? Ans: Sea

25) Who was Charles Correa? Ans: Architect

26) What does DNA Stands for in Biology? Ans: Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid

27) The US space agency, NASA is planning to move from earth orbit to space area surrounding the Space. What is the full form of NASA? Ans: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

28) In September 2015 NASA scientists found evidence of flowing water on which planet outside Earth? Ans: Mars

29) As of January 2016, where is ISRO Head quarters? Bangalore

30) What was the first football player from the Indian Sub continent to play for a European Club? Ans: Mohammed Saleem

31) What is the name of the parent company of Google, formed on 2nd October 2015? Ans: Alphabet Inc

32) What are the 4 key Elements of amino acids? Ans: Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon

33) Name India’s First Satellite? Ans: AryaBhatta

34)Zika virus is spreaded by-- Aedes Mosquito

35)IPTL implies – Mars

36)What was the first football player from the Indian Sub continent to play for a European clib International Premier tennis league

37)Where is valley international park located – USA

38)Importance behind gov of India act 1935 -- Main source of Indian constitution

39)Indian institute of vegetable research is at—Varanasi]

40)Who is founder of servant of Indian society -- Gopal Krishna Gokhale]

41)For which effect Einstien got nobel prize -- Law of Photo electric effect

42)What is reason behind yellow colour of Papaya – Flavonoids

43)UPS means -- Uninterrupted power supply

44)11th Pakistan PM -- Benezir Bhuto

45)Gold medal boxer in asia -- Marry kom

46)Shape milky way galaxy – spiral

47)Oxygen in photosynthesis is formed from -- Water/co2,

48)Plasi war on which river -- Bhagirathi river 1757

49)World bank given money in DEC -- Swach bharat mission

50)Main source of Vitamin-A – carrots

51)1st U.S president to attend republic day parade in india -- Barack Obama,

52) who commisioned Tajmahal- shahjahan

53) 1st women doctor - elizabeth blackwell

54) no of muscles uses for eye ball –6

55) national game of china - table tennis

56) nearest galaxy to milkway – andromeda

57) no of players in polo –4

58) acid in grapes- tartaric acid

59) who build jantar mantar in delhi ? md. shah

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